On the 51st Anniversary of 2001: A Space Odyssey...
“I’m sorry Dave, I'm afraid I can’t do that…” Hal was a bit obstinate uttering that famous line. Of course, it was actually Arthur C....
My co-author got married!
Kurt’s blog- (while Jess and Dan are on their Honeymoon!) Sailed off to Antigua, it took her three days on a boat. Lookin’ for some peace...
It's Here! Computer Love Inc. III: Blood Brothers is Now Available!
We are proud to announce that we have released Computer Love Inc. III: Blood Brothers! It is now available in eBook format through...
ROCCO the Cat, Nash FM, and More!
Are you ready for Computer Love Inc.: III Blood Brothers?! We have been reviewing the final copy and we’ve made a few last-minute tweaks....
Computer Love Inc. III to be released!
We are in the final editing stages for Computer Love Inc. III and we are both so excited about the upcoming book release. Living through...
Addicted to Pokemon Go? Read This!
How many chews could a Pickachu chew if a Pickachu could chew a Pickachu? Gesundheit for reading that title! (Get it? Pik… achoo!) If...