The 12 Blogs of Christmas: Day 9
Snowball’s Chocolate Surprise Snowball was usually pretty good about not getting into Christmas gifts, but this year, Mrs. Kringle made...

The 12 Blogs of Christmas: Day 8
You Mean You Forgot Butterscotch Too? Christmas was quickly approaching, and Mr. and Mrs. Kringle realized their tray of desserts was...

The 12 Blogs of Christmas: Day 7
Two Horns a Honking The next day, Mr. Kringle drove Mrs. Kringle to the doctor’s office to have her back looked at. There was only one...

The 12 Blogs of Christmas: Day 6
The Upside-Down Christmas Tree Have you heard about the upside-down Christmas tree trend taking over? It may seem as if it’s just...

The 12 Blogs of Christmas: Day 5
Aquatic Equestrians Mr. and Mrs. Kringle have a set of nieces whose lists become increasingly challenging with each new year. It’s not...

The 12 Blogs of Christmas: Day 4
The Cheesiest Gift Ever At work, Mrs. Kringle participates in a Secret Santa swap every year. Being the generous, kindhearted person that...

The 12 Blogs of Christmas: Day 3
Making a Toast One of Mr. Kringle’s favorite traditions is making Christmas cookies with his daughters, Holly and Ivy. It was a the...

The 12 Blogs of Christmas: Day 2
The Flipping Bird If you’ve owned a pet bird, you might know a thing or two about their temperament. Or perhaps you won’t. Because their...

The 12 Blogs of Christmas: Day 1
The Kringles were the holly-jolliest bunch of people in their cold, northern town. Each year, they welcomed the Christmas season with...

A Short Holiday Story From Your Favorite Sci-Fi Indie Authors
On a chilly October night, a lone spirit winds his way down the path of a deserted graveyard. It’s the night of Friday the 13th, and the...